Quarry design based on the Geostatistical estimations of the available mineral deposits in Southern Kosovo – TITAN CEMENT S.A. (SHARRCEM S.A.)


Industry: Mining – Geostatistical survey
Location: Kosovo
Duration: 5 months (2010)

This project involved three distinct areas in Southern Kosovo, two of which were “Green Fields” while the last one was already in development. The case studies were performed for SHARR CEMENT S.A. at the general areas of Dimce (quarry already in development), Paldenice and Seqiste. The scope of the work involved:

  • The collection of data for the three areas, including (but also extending beyond) the following:
    • Lithology
    • Geological formations
    • Geological Sections
    • Current Topography
    • Various Points of interest
    • Safety distances according to local legislation
  • The construction of Digital Terrain Models of the general areas, using a high definition contour map. Considering the local authorities could provide only hard copies of all data, every relevant information and map had to be manually digitized.
  • Following the construction of the digitizing of all data and construction of the Surface Model, the geological sections and the information about the surface geology was used to create a Geological Model. In some cases new geological sections needed to be created by taking into account existing drillhole data.
  • The Geological Model allowed us to interpolate the existing data in three dimensions, creating in turn a Block Model (Solid object) that could provide us with an accurate representation of the underground rock formations.
  • While designing the three quarries we also needed to take into account the requirements and quality standards of the company’s plant. As such there were certain formations that were to be avoided at all costs and in all cases we also needed to account for monthly/yearly quotas.
  • Additionally, there were specific standards to follow with regard to “waste” formations, so as to minimize the excavation and intake of un-needed materials.

Additionally, since the acquisition of land by the contractor was at the moment still in progress, this survey allowed the company to make critical decisions on whether certain plots would be vital (or not) for the future development of the quarry.
To further examine this, multiple variants were constructed based on financial parameters,
To conclude, the process described above allowed us

  • to examine multiple variants within each area, each one with its own quota specifications and waste product limits
  • to pinpoint with accuracy the high yield and/or low cost deposits
  • minimize the intake of waste material, by avoiding specific areas
  • Estimate the area that would need to be acquired

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