Aldemar Hotels - Epohes Guesthouses in Ampeliona
Industry: Tourism - Tradidional guesthouses
Location: Greece
Duration: 10 months (2005 & 2010 - 2011)
“Epohes” is a series of traditional guesthouses with a capacity of approximately 100 guests. Other facilities include a traditional restaurant, as well as an office that organizes activities such as hiking, climbing and biking. The guesthouses themselves are former houses and part of the nearby village of Ampeliona.
They have been renovated so as to provide luxury services, without compromising the building traditional architectural design.
The original licensing for the guesthouses was performed in 2005, however in 2010 EME was commissioned again to oversee the licensing of a planned expansion. The new guesthouses would maintain the traditional architecture of the area but would be able to house 50 guests. Additionally, spa and relaxation facilities were planned for this new expansion.